Monday, June 9, 2008

525,600 minutes....

How do you measure a year? In daylights, in sunsets, in midnight, in cups of khram?... tiim baikh aa...
Hi! So guess what, this week I hit my one year mark. Isn't that crazy? It's gone by fast and slow... it certainly is weird to think back on what i was doing at this time last year. I had only a few more days until i entered the MTC, and i was so excited, but i had noooo idea what to expect. I guess that part still hasn't changed much. :) I still don't really know what to expect, but that's what makes it exciting!

This week i will be taking another trip to Darkhan for interviews with President Andersen. That will be nice, he has been super busy and flying to Hong Kong and stuff so we haven't had interviews for a while. Maybe he'll give me a tip about where i will be going next transfer, (in July,) i have a feeling i won't be staying in Selenge... but i don't know.

Guess what, last pday we hiked to the top of a mountain. We could see the whole city of Sukhbaatar, and we could also see Russia again. It still looks the same is Mongolia... and when the Elders were a little ways off and not looking I may or may not have crowed like a rooster, and it's possible they were really confused about where the sound came from.... yeah. And there were these crazy rocks everywhere! They look pretty normal on the outside, like slate or something, but a little shimmeryish... but when you break them open they are full of glitter! Seriously, glitter like you get at a craft store... it was so weird. Maybe those are in Utah and i just never knew it before. Elder Humphries and I (the only Americans) were so amazed! We hiked up glitter mountain! Yay! Now all i have to do is find candy mountain... hmmmm.....
.... or marshmellow mountain....

All the pipes in my bathroom busted. Seriously, all of them. Water was squirting out everywhere. So we called the fixer man. He didn't come. We called him again. He didn't come. I really wanted to shower. We had been walking threw sand storms all day long. Then I used my brain and some duct tape and got the whole placed fixed up better than it was before. Sister Oyunbat was so impressed she said i should be a plumber. So then just as the water was running all nicely and i thought i would take a much needed shower.... the water got turned off for two days. Then I went to Church all grossy gross. Then the water got turned back on and now I am clean. :)

Our work is getting a bit better. It's been hard because in the summer so many people leave the towns and go out to the country. But it's ok, and we've found some really cool people to teach, so we'll keep working working. I say this every time i write, but the people here are just amazing! And the branch is so much fun, I'm going to miss them if i do end up leaving in another 6 weeks or so.
My comp and I are doing fine and I'm even getting more and more used to our 5th floor appartment and the 78 big cement steps it takes to get up there.

:) Sometimes we race up them. heh.

Alright, that's it for now, i gotta get going. But I love you all and talk to you later!
~Sister Warnick

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