Monday, May 26, 2008

Visit from Elder Garn

Hello! it's been another week and it's been a pretty good one for that matter. Last week was zone conference again, they had it early because President Garn from the area presidency came to take a tour of all the branches in Mongolia. It was pretty cool to hear him speak, and guess what else. He had time enough to interview two missionaries in each of the areas,and i was able to have an interview with him. It was pretty amazing. he asked me about this mission and about Mongolia and bunches of other things.He also said he had two daughters serve missions and that they loved it and learned sooo much. I know that that is true.yeah, so zone conference was a good one as it always is. and on the way back the power went out at the train station so we couldn't buy any tickets. we ended up getting to drive home by taxi- which was sooo cool! it was about two hours of driving through the open spaces of Mongolia! So Beautiful! Everything is turning green, and the Elders in my car were laughing at me cause every other minute i was like "HEY! look at the goats! LOOK! look at all the goats! and the Sheep!!!" and then one minute later, "LOOKY! see the baby cows! and the GOATS!!!" seems to Mongolians it's nothing new to see hundreds of baby goats... i'm guessing it would be like driving down I-15 in Utah and every other minute shouting with glee, "HEY! Look at the orange construction cones! LOOK!"... needless to say the furry animals were not all that exciting for them, but i sure liked them! :) Last week we also had the opportunity to do a little service project for oneof the members here. it was pretty interesting- she had a could of wells,and i still can't figure out how they made them- it was a vertical tunnel into the ground made of large tires, and it seemed to go down forever. Ourj ob was to climb down to the bottom and scoop out lots and lots of sand. and when i say "our job" i mean the Elders, for some reason they didn't want my comp and I doing that part. silly silly. Yeah, and it was pretty crazy cause it was super hot outside and freezing in the tire tunnel. Well.... anyway, pretty interesting to say the least.Oh, and the typhoid turns out not to be typhoid, but some sort of hand and mouth disease.... hmmmm....Oh! and there are puppies everywhere! that's right, wild puppies! My complaughs at me cause i name every one i see...Can i just say, i love this mission. I can't even begin to express in wordswhat i want to say. I love this country, as different and sometimes crazy as it is, and i love these people with all my heart. It frightens me to think that i am already one of the "older missionaries" and i still feel like i have sooo much i need to learn. This mission is by far the most difficult thing i have ever done, and the decision to come on a mission is by far the best choice i have ever made.Ok, well i'm out of time again, but i love you all and i miss you so much! Talk to you next week!

Love Always,
Sister R. Warnick

Monday, May 19, 2008

I saw Russia...

Helllllooooooooo! Well, I'm happy because we finally found an internet place that is open. I guess no one told us it was "every-internet-place-is-closed day"... but it sure is! :) So I just got back from looking at Russia. Yeah, we went to this littlel ook-out place and, you guessed it, looked at Russia! Funny, it looks a lot like Mongolia, only on the other side of the river... It was pretty fun though, the weather was nice, not to hot, not to cold, reaaaaalllly windy,but not the crazy dirt-filled wind. So that was nice, then we all had a picnic, only we were all to big of sissies to have a real picnic outside inthe wind and "nature" so we all went to the Couple's house and sat on the floor and ate. :) This week has been a little crazy. There's an outbreak of Typhoid here and so any children under the age of 16 are not allowed to group together in any sort of gathering. So the schools and mostly closed and we don't have a lot of the activities at the church. Everyone's hoping the whole sickness thing passes quickly, it's not too fun and everyone is being super careful. I'm getting more and more used to Selenge. It's a beautiful place and the branch here is really great. I think the hardest thing is still just the food situation... it's kind of the same as it was in Choibalsan. But it's different from Choibalsan cause we get bananas shipped here from Russia,(you know, the place that i saw today...) Yeah, so it's good and it's getting GREENER!!! that makes me happy indeed! The mosquitoes are out. Selenge is actually famous for it's many many mosquitoes, (since it's by a big river and such.) And the mosquitoes are out now, however, nobody knows that but me! But that is just because no one has been bitten yet... I, on the other hand, have 12 bites JUST on my ankles. Iknow, go figure. But it's all good, it just means, i don't know, my blood is nice...yeeeessssss. This week we spent a lot of time trying to find new people to teach. So far it's been a bit slow, but we will keep trying. We have one young lady we have been teaching for the past little while that is getting baptized on Saturday! So that is really exciting. :) She have been going to Church on and off for about 3 years, but hasn't had the desire to actually learn mor eabout it until now. It has been so great to see her change in just the short amount of time i have been here. I think the biggest change has been her view of who God really is- she had this idea that He was an angry god who wants to punish us because we're not perfect, which is completely not true.It has been so wonderful to be able to explain how much God truly loves us and that He wants to help us every single day.Well since it took us so long to find internet today my time is just aboutup. I must say it was soooooo wonderful to be able to talk to my family lastweek! i miss you all bunches, I'm so happy to know you are all doing well and being happy happy. Well since it took us so long to find internet today my time is just about up. I must say it was soooooo wonderful to be able to talk to my family last week!

Monday, May 12, 2008

The Best Mission in the World

That's right, i'm serving in the best mission in the world. And the Sisters even get their own bikes to ride! heh...

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Sheep Girl

Here i am with my friend. So cutsie! And there were baby goats too... I do not heven want to eat this little guy or his brothers and sisters... but let's face it, i probably will...